The Voidclusters Wiki

The Voidcluster Colonists are a group that was originally part of The Backroom Colonists. Upon discovering they were stuck in The Voidcluster, they founded a new group and today, have became one of the first groups inside The Voidcluster. While they did enter into Level 0 and Level 1 from The Backrooms, no members have a memory of entering into the levels. They have a member base of around 350, making them a rather small group in terms of numbers, but their experience can make up for this number disadvantage.


All their outposts uses code names for faster communication.

Outpost [DS] - Dark Suburbs[]

This outpost is on Level 0. It is the capital of the group, having a mix of residential, military and production usage.

Outpost [IR] - Infinite Rooms[]

This outpost is on Level 2. It is mostly an expedition outpost and temporary residential area for the group. It contains also stocks of certain materials.

Outpost [SM] - Skyscape Mania[]

This outpost is on Level 5. It is mostly used for residential and for training up the army. It also has recently became a massive industrial area for providing for the group.

Outpost [TH] - The Housers[]

The Housers is the only confirmed and most important Outpost on Level 21. This is mostly used as a guiding point and is planned to become either a colony or a giant residential area for the group. This has yet to be finalised, though.

Outpost [HEAT] - Hospital Exploration and Treatment[]

One of the most populated colony in the Voidclusters. Calm, mainly made to house the colonists who are retired, old, or need treatment from a certain injury.

Outpost [ST] - Strict Town[]

This is a outpost on Level 70. This is mainly used for retirement purposes, and it has been growing in colonists recently.

Outpost [CC] - Candy Crushers[]

Outpost CC was on Level 81 before it was destroyed. It was a collaboration with The Voidcluster Investigators.


Military Capabilities[]

They technically do not have a military, but all members are trained in creature and entity hunting.

Military Equipment[]

The members who usually do creature hunting are usually issued assault rifles with under barrel grenade launchers and flashlights originating from the Backroom Colonists. It is estimated they have around 500 of these weapons in stock.

The group only produces food, flashlights and beverages in mass, with their gun production being quite crude. The stuff they do produce in mass is mostly used to keep the economy of the group stable and to keep the group living in general.

Allies and Enemies[]

It is known they do not have any allies or enemies, and are mostly neutral as of time being.

Links[] - Backroom Colonists


Void Colonists Flag

The flag of The Voidcluster Colonists, the stars representing the original four members and the original four power groups of The Backrooms
