Object 3, more commonly referred to as Pepsi-Ultra is a source of hydration in The Voidclusters.
It can be found randomly throughout some levels. These are rare but one can will keep you hydrated for 12 to 72 hours. However, they can't prevent insanity and heal wounds like Oat Milk , but they are able to cure The Sickness in early stages.
As of now, the only two confirmed places this can be found is Level 0, inside a fridge in any house and Level 21 , inside a fridge too .But you could theoretically spawn one in at level 6. There are unconfirmed claims of Pepsi-Ultra being in Level 12 in the forest. These unconfirmed claims are likely due to the amount of items in the forest and exits to make up for the infestation of entities.
These were discovered by Edward Kington, a member of The Voidcluster Investigators.
More properties of Pepsi-Ultra have found recently. The flavor seems to vary depending on the drinker.
For example, some people seem to taste fruitiness, and others report a chocolate flavor. A former cannibal, that wishes to be anonymous said it tasted like human blood.
Most of this new information was discovered by Edward Kington and Michael and Adam Ruven. All members of The Voidcluster Investigators.