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Creature 10 is a painting like entity. It tends to stalk whatever it sees until the target dies.


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This is a redrawned image of a Painting stalker

Creature 10 more commonly known as "Painting Stalkers" are hostile creatures that live in paintings. They distort the painting to mirror an image of a woman made in the style of surrealism. Known for stalking and following people, as the name implies, they do it via a phenomenon known as painting travel. As soon as the creature spots a person or anything human like, it teleports to other nearby paintings and recreates the background of what the victim had seen. The entity has been sighted to follow its victims around unnoticed, despite having an obvious look to it. Sanity will drop at a consistent rate, being 10x more then normal when around the entity. Once its victim drops dead on the floor, the creature will feed off of the corpse, regaining the energy its lost along the way.

For some simple info in order to stop this creature, you must break the painting or exit the level you are currently in. Often times, breaking the painting the creature is on is considered a risky move, as it can fight back. It has been demonstrated to "jump out of the painting" and tear the insides of whatever is attacking it into pieces. The amount of effort put into these fights will vary from person to person, with 89% of the victories belonging to the creature itself.

It has been noted that wet substances could kill the creature, but is difficult to pull off. The creature can for instance, runs away the moment it senses danger. This method of killing the being has been known to work 50% of the time. The discovery of this creature was fairly recent, as a group of wanderers, while having their backs, seen what they recall as an "Odd Looking Painting". It followed them around for nearly an hour before granting its first kill on the small group with an estimated population of 14 members. They described their experience as if they were being watched while exploring Level 4. Along side with Crystalizers and Meinyou, this entity was rumored to be one of the most dangerous anybody can encounter.

For a couple of weeks this entity spread into other levels with paintings in them. The most common appearance other then Level 4 was Level 16, Level 23, Level 57, etc. It is currently unknown how it got to these levels, unlike Crystalizers which can remake Corrosive Crystal propulgules. People say that this entity is formed by the death of people near paintings, but even this has been unconfirmed. In rare instances, ths creature spawns out of thin air, replacing any painting it can find.

Out of the Painting form[]

This entity, like mentioned, can jump of out the painting if so desired. The appearance when out of the painting was described as cartoonish and surreal. The body is covered in an ink like substance, which smells like perfume, but feels like concrete. The hands are pitch black while everywhere else is a shade of red. A flower with a less cartoonish look is found in the entities hair, and is different for every instance. The type of flower species are as follows: Rose, Poppy, Tulip, Daisy, etc. In rare instances, a butterfly, more commonly the monarch, has been seen feasting on the flowers artificial nectar.

The nectar is safe for consumption and has been described as tasting like strawberry milk. The only problem is that its extremely rare to find due to the creature's inability to stay in the paintings for however long it wants too. Paint Nectar is what has been given for the name due to its rough, and dry texture. Proper consumption should be considered, as unliquidfied Paint Nectar will cause serious side effects like kidney stones or heart failure. Often said, you need to be in a group to obtain Paint Nectar, or even be allowed to fight the entity for it.

They behave in weird fashions when out of their painting. They still stalk down prey, but will immediately attack upon eye contact. They usually hunt down people alone by themselves, picking them off one by one. They can easily dry up and make moisture out of thin air, allowing them to never fade. They produce this moisture as a way to lure in prey, as the air around them has a calming aura centered to the entity. This method often doesn't work, so they resort to basic stalking tactics if all else fails. Once the creature finds a painting to rest upon, it will jump in and convert the painting to what is normally seen and expected upon by these entities.


Level 4 is considered the most common habitat for the creature, but it can also live in other levels with paintings. Usually rare, they will wander aimlessly in other levels to look for a painting to settle in. The level with the most Out of Painting variants is Level 126.



If you feel like you are being watched, exit the level immediately.

Don't look at it's Out of Painting form.

If you are willing to fight the entity, bring more then 15 people at least to take it on.


Wander alone if you feel this entity is nearby.

Exit in front of the creature.


Intelligence: High


Strength: Medium

Behavior: Hostile

Author: Ninjahking

Remodel: Cyrix

Thanks to Mr. Backrooms for showing this creature
