The Voidclusters Wiki

Creature Designation: A7

Confirmed habitats:Level 11.1, Level 14, Level 23, Level 25, and Level Lonely

Description: A7 Also known as "Loners" are a species of creatures of the voidclusters, these have a humanoid like appearance, when directly looking at them an static like effect can be observed on it's body, they have no mouth or eyes, so it is believed that they use echolocation to find their prey, this is the main reason why being silent around them is recommended.


The bells are ringing dont you hear them?

Behavior: Loners are known to prey on people with low mental sanity and people that feel lonely, it is recommended to avoid nostalgic or lonely spaces, since these are hunting zones for them, when attacked, Loners will produce high pitch sound that causes annoyance or deafness on humans. Taking them down on groups is easy since they are known to be single hunters, but meeting one alone is almost a dead sentence, they are really aggressive and try to distract wanderers as much as they can. If a Loner isn't hungry there's a high chance they'll try to take to you into Level Lonely.


  • Try to avoid nostalgic and lonely spaces.
  • If you hear high-pitch sounds on places like these, run as fast as you can from them.
  • If you see a loner try to slowly and quietly back away from them
  • If you find yourself in Level Lonely it is better to die than join them.

Not Recommended:

  • Approaching a Loner.
  • Following Bell-Like or high-pitch sounds on a non-safe level.
  • Being loud near a Loner.
  • hearing their laments.
  • Following them into Level Lonely.

Intelligence : Normal
  Strength: Strong 
  Speed: Slow
  Behaviour: Hostile

Why have you abandoned us? .

Rewrite:FrelipeCPA AKA "Borea"

Image has been edited, original:
