Level 43 A.K.A “Shining Lights” is the 44th level of the Voidclusters. Level 43 consists of many halls made out of white marble tiles and damp, dark brown carpets. The halls within Level 43 can go on for tens (or even hundreds) of miles before splitting and/or turning. Level 43 will often “glitch” resulting in you teleporting to where you were a few seconds ago. Due to this, it is difficult to explore the level, since turns in the halls tend to be the most glitchy places. Apprently, drinking Oat Milk can also help stop the glitch effect for around 48 hours. Level 43 is estimated to be around 2 million square kilometers, but it is likely that it is around 24 million since there aren't many great measurements in Level 43. The roof will usually be pitch black or have the same appearance as the walls. Level 43 has lights that change their color according to how far you are away from it. Blue light is 10 feet or closer, pink is 10-30 feet, and green is 30-120 feet. Level 43 lights will produce a loud ambient buzzing which seem to come form the lights within Level 43.
Colonies and outposts[]
No colonies nor Outposts have been formed yet
Entrances and exits[]
To enter, find a rare door with a grey eye in Level 42.
To exit, you can find a metal door that leads to Level 44.
Rewritten by IAteYourFish.