The Voidclusters Wiki

Class Four

Level 14 is the (15th) level in The Voidclusters.


Hotel 14

Level 14, also known as "DREAM HOTEL" is as it names says is a level with the appearance of a hotel of infinite floors, looking up or down will just reveal more floors to infinity, the furthest floor to ever have been reached to the top is 567 and below is -250.The level hallways and rooms floor is a comfortable carpet rumored to have special properties, but this has not been confirmed. The level is also known for its 𝘥𝘦𝘫𝘢 𝘷𝘶 feeling which made many wanderers feel home or safe in some way, it is also rumored it has a connection with the infamous level 9.

The further you go up on the floors the rarer the supplies and creatures, and the further you go below the more creatures and supplies there are, due to this the early negative floors are home to some outposts.


The Rooms[]

Hotel room

One of many level 14's characteristics are its rooms, it is estimated there's 34 km of rooms in level 14, each room most of the time contains a bed, a light, a sofa or chair, and a window to an empty black void known as the "ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ sᴇᴀ", as further up you go into the floors the more bare bones the rooms get, until there's only a bed and the window in the room, it is believed in the far floors the room doors lead to the ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀʏ sᴇᴀ. If you're trying to settle into Level 14 it is recommended to ask one of the members of the residents to lead you into an unused room, these usually aren't occupied and are free to take, but beware rooms on floors below -27 as things get worse.

Colonies and Outposts[]

The main colony on this Level is "The Residents" which is a name for the many inhabitants of this level, it is estimated they have a population of 270-340, and usually are friendly, they are willing to trade using Oat Milk or other rooms.


The usual Creatures are found the lower you get into the floors of this Level.


Depending on the floor and the room, the object and supply quantity varies, the rarest item in this level is normal Oat Milk since in this level the most common found drink is Oat milk mixed with coffee in the refrigerators. There's also the rare finding of oat gelatine, but it can only be found on the negative floors. There is also Not-so Gourmet Lobster on the tables or in the ovens of certain rooms.


The Main way of entering is through a wooden door on Level 0, accidental clipping from Level 5 is a confirmed way of exiting, but due to its rareness it's not a recommended way to enter, Another way of entering is clipping from level 10 or level 11 , entering a bedroom in Level 19 has a rare chance of leading you here, Open doors in Level 21 you may have chance end up here.


Clipping can usually lead back into Level 10

The other way of exiting is trough an elevator, which is rare to find but when found can lead to Level 20. Another way is on floor 229 you may find a yellow door which is open,i t leads to Hallway-AC.

Author: FrelipeCPA AKA Borea

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