Creature 7, also known as Dog Walkers are hostile creatures resembling a deformed canine. Dog Walkers don't seem to have any respiratory nor digestive organs and it is unknown how they get nutrients or oxygen. For most of their time, they walk aimlessly around The Voidclusters untill they detect a human or other creature. If they spot something, they will then hunt them down before attacking and killing them. They are very effective at this due to their long legs and powerful jaws. It is unknown why they kill people as Dog Walkers don't eat them as they do not have any digestive organs.
Dog Walkers often have conflicts with Hounds. Any time they are brought close to each other they will fight until either the Hound dies or the Dog Walker dies.
Intelligence: Low
Strength: High
Speed: High
Behavior: Hostile
Dog Walkers are found in:
Level 36 (Exclusive to Summer)