The Voidclusters Wiki

The Crystalizer is a silicon-based lifeform which is known to be rather dangerous due to their pack hunting mentality. The average Crystalizer is around seven feet in height and has three digits on each limb, used for climbing and creation of corrosive crystal propagules. They appear to have a simple mouth, used for consuming silicate materials and other Crystalizers, as they are cannibals. Each Crystalizer only cares about themselves and their propagules, and will viciously attack other crystalizers not created by their propagules.


A Crystalizer is a seven foot tall silicone-based entity with a vaguely human form. They intake information strictly through sight, with primitive compound eyes located near the armpits. They have a simple mouth used to consume matter, primarily silicate materials, like rocks, corrosive crystals, and metal. Their arms go down to the knees, and end in biramous appendages used for depositing corrosive crystal propagules into corpses. They also use these limbs for offensive purposes.

Crystalizers are extremely territorial, and only care about their own corrosive crystal propagules. They will attack and consume other corrosive crystals and Crystalizers not created by them directly or indirectly. Often, the fights are vicious and all belligerents die in the aftermath. Crystalizers who are spawned indirectly or directly by one another will form large clans with an extremely complex hierarchy and will go into vicious wars with other clans.

The only thing these creatures hate more than each other are organic lifeforms, and clans will get into enormous civil wars over who gets to kill and impregnate the organism.


The lifecycle of a Crystalizer starts once a corpse is infested with corrosive crystal propagules. Other organisms are likely to find the body and physically make contact with the crystals, upon which, the corrosive crystal releases an audio frequency which forces the organism to continue making contact with the crystal. The process can be visibly seen by non-infected by an intensifying glow. The crystal will continue to glow until exploding into millions of magenta particulates which are then inhaled.

Upon inhalation, starting from the lungs, a rapid state of metamorphosis occurs where the body begins to grow in size and gain the features of a normal crystalizer, before finally themselves crystalizing. Usually after this, they will begin to seek out their direct spawner or an indirect spawner (if the direct spawner is deceased), and try and either join their clan, or form one with them.

Hunting Strategies:[]

Alone, Crystalizers lack a commander nor the capability to strategize, and has such they usually revert to basic ambush attacks. If they are spotted they usually attempt to chase down their prey and either punch, bite, or slash them until their is a cavity large enough for the efficient depositing of propagules.


Alone, Crystalizers lack the ability to strategize. However in clans they begin to follow an extremely intelligent and dangerous hive mind-like herd mentality which allows them to create effective battle and hunting plans and act as one organism. While this ability is stunning, Crystalizers can be easily confused and depend on their allies for back-up in this state. They can also be very vindictive and will often stop themselves from winning an attack just to go for one organism.

In rare occasions, under the right circumstances, upon transformation will gain a special cell inserted into the brain of the Crystalizer. This special cell is nicknamed the "Psycho-Cell", or in other levels, "Crysalis". The Crysalis allows the Crystalizer to endure the dumbness for it's kind and come up with new ways to hunt and kill prey. They are normally alone by themselves, as the Crysalis to boost their IQ, with the average Crystalizer with the Crysalis having a score of 920 maximum. With this boost in intelligence, the Crystalizer can hunt prey by disguising themselves as another human being, keeping the original form they once were with the exact features they used to have, even when it comes to clothing. After 24 hours pasted, the Crystalizer will retain its form we are used to seeing today, brutally murdering its target in cold blood.


Intelligence: Low alone, Average in groups, Extreme if infected with the Crysalis.
Strength: Moderate, High if infected with the Crysalis
Speed: Extreme
Behavior: Hostile