The Voidclusters Wiki

Creature 5, more commonly known as Crawlers are hostile creatures found typically in dimly lit levels.



A Crawler sighted in Level 1. Photographer missing, presumed dead.

Crawlers are humanoid entities which lack any face, and appear to have highly defined bone structure. This bone structure juts from the skin and is used in offensive attacks. Crawlers have a unique bone structure which is designed for quadpedally crawling, however the way that the bones are formed to crawl are highly inefficient forcing the crawlers have an extremely awkward gait, seen in the image.

Because of their defunct bone structure, they can only awkwardly trot persistently for a few seconds at around 20 MPH. The lack of a persistant way to chase down prey has forced the crawler to use rudimentary ambush tactics. Crawlers are notably failures at even that, being barely able to hunt prey. Crawlers because of these flaws usually live in areas where there are secondary food sources, and ambush predation takes up little space in their diet.

Intelligence: Moderate, uses basic ambush attacks

Strength: Moderate

Speed: Moderate (low after a few seconds)

Behavior: Hostile


Crawlers are found in:

Level 1

Level 12

Level 14

Level 50

Level 67

Level 79

Level 86

Level 87

Level 90

Level 108
