The Voidclusters Wiki

Object 23, also known as "Corrosive Crystals" is an object which consists of a magenta hued mineral with crystalline atomic makeup.

Corrosive Crystals


Corrosive Crystals are a surprisingly virulent crystalline mineral with a magenta hue resmebling ameythyst or rose quartz. The mineral has strange propeties that have been studied by many for [REDACTED]. Conclusions about the object say it can maniuplate neural functions of any humanoid which makes physical contact. The crystal is usually non-luminant, however, while someone is making contact with it, it will produce a soft glow which will escalate until it bursts into a cloud of purple particulates. This will turn them into an enity called a "Crystalizers". A crystalline humanoid which is extemey hostile, however has been demonstrated to be easy to kill. Avoiding this creature is the best way of surviving encounters. Upon killing finishing a hunt, the Crystalizer will "impregate" the body, implanting crystal propagules into the corpse to restart the cycle. Because of the common amount of transformations, these crystals have spread far throughout the Void Clusters.


Author: Cyrix
