The Voidclusters Wiki

Creature 19A more commonly known as Amalgamations, are extremely hostile creatures which are known to spread the virulent Forger parasite.


The Forger parasite is distinct from other infections in the Voidclusters, with effects being instant upon infection. Upon infection the Forger's primary objective is to find food and infect more creatures, eventually melding these creatures into one single organism known as the Amalgamation. Their size can vary from 70cm to 1.7km, and the biggest registered amalgamation recorded recently was in Level 5, with a size of 1.150 km in diameter. This amalgamation had fused with the buildings and many creatures within the level, eventually leading it to die because of the unsustainability of its biomass. The only creature that has been able to combat the Amalgamations are the Televisions.

All amalgamations can grow to immense sizes, however usually no matter their original type they revert to passive type amalgamations to feed on the soil and buildings in the levels.

Amalgamation Types[]


An aggressive amalgamation found on level 88

Passive Amalgamations: Passive Amalgamations are not truly passive, instead their name is based upon their relatively inactive form of hunting. Passive Amalgamations move at extremely slow speeds or cannot move at all. Instead, they depend on structures similar in appearance to real world carnivorous plants.

Intelligence: Low

Speed: Low to none

Strength: Medium

Behavior: False Docile

Aggressive Amalgamations: Aggressive amalgamations, as the names implies, are a highly aggressive type of amalgamations found on extensive or nature type levels. These amalgamations usually run after their prey and produce high-pitch sounds. Samples taken from these amalgamations show that there is a high concentration of the tissues of more active and predatory creatures in their bodies, which possibly proves that Amalgamations turn into either aggressive or passive forms based on what they have absorbed.

Intelligence: Low

Speed: High

Strength: Medium

Behavior: Hostile


Amalgamations are found in:

Level 5

Level 27

Level 36 (Exclusive to Winter)

Level 88

Author: FrelipeCPA AKA "Agent Borea"
